News Release Immediate
Three Charities have come together to secure two brand new Timpani (Kettle Drums) that will benefit the children and young people of Falmouth, Penryn and the surrounding areas.
Following an initiative that has been led and driven forward by Jamie Fyffe of Cornwall Music Service Trust, where children have embarked on learning Drum Kit then immersed in Tuned Percussion music making, there is now the ability for children and young people to gain experience and learn the skills on how to play this endangered species of instrument. Timpani are integral to the percussion section of any Orchestra, Wind Band, Brass Band and are a crucial tuned percussion instrument that support the bass line of all the aforementioned ensembles and more. The problem is they are large, expensive instruments and the only way to really learn how to play them is by playing them! Until now there has not been a selection of instruments that are readily available and this had been identified by Jamie Fyffe. Jamie was concerned about the lack of opportunity for children and young people in this area and this coupled with many children, who through Jamie’s expert teaching and support, who were keen to explore playing these instruments meant that something needed to be done. Falmouth Lions offered a grant of £5,000 and along with further support from King Charles Church, Falmouth and the Cornwall Music Service Trust the money was in place to purchase a set of Ludwig Professional Timpani (26″ and 29″ instruments). Falmouth School then stepped in to offer a place to house the instruments and this collaborative effort now means that the instruments are in place waiting for the first beat to be struck.
Gareth Churcher, Head of Service for Cornwall Music Service Trust said “This type of local support really shows the power of the community to come together to broaden the offer of music education for children and young people through collaboration. We are all too aware how routes of progression onto endangered species of instruments such as the Timpani are already very challenging so getting wider support and investment is really uplifting in what are really difficult financial times. With these instruments in place it will open up so many opportunities for young musicians that otherwise would not have been available”.
Accompanying Photos Below – All Photos: Jamie Fyffe
Falmouth Students Mawgan and Henry pictured behind Ludwig Timpani in situ at Falmouth School
Notes to Editors…
Photographs – all free to use – a picture credit for Jamie Fyffe very much appreciated.
CMST registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (number 1159622)
and a company limited by guarantee (number 09268124) registered in England. Registered office: Cornwall Music Service Trust, Truro School, Trennick Lane, Truro TR1 1TH
Gareth Churcher – Head of Service CMST
07584 296961.
Gary Flower Marketing Officer CMST –