Looe Live Festival 2019

Looe Live

For one weekend in September (20th– 22nd) the entire pretty coastal fishing town invites visitors of all ages to join the party.

Looe Live! Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd September

Looe Live! is one of a kind three-day festival, that’s more of a friendly gathering where music and arts fill the streets in a whole town takeover. Over 100 performances are taking place on the main stages, on the streets and in venues across the whole town.

Looe Live

With five stages, including one on the beach, a comedy stage in the Guildhall and classical music stage in Riverside church – expect a variety of musical genres from jazz to funk, rock, blues and country and western.

The festival offers the chance to hear some stellar music, fill up on local food and drink, dance on the sea front and get stuck into a full programme of activities and workshops across the town.

There are two main areas of the festival – the ticketed main stage venues and the community lead zones.

The main stages, at Buller Quay and the BBC Introducing stage on the beach, are hosting the likes of Level 42, The Shires, The Fisherman’s Friends and Newton Faulkner – to name but a few…

The Community Zone, on the seafront, will showcase the best of Looe’s groups and organisations – such as the Marine Conservation, Looe Film Society, Looe Sea Scouts, Elie’s Haven, Talon’s Raptor and Reptile Show, Looe Memory Cafe , Looe Marine Conservation, Plastic Free Looe and Looe Community Players.

The other community led areas are the Choir Zone in the RNLI Boathouse, the Classical Zone in Riverside Church and the Comedy Stage in the Guildhall.

Day tickets are available for these from £25 for adults (£12.50 for children) and weekend tickets are £65 (£32.50 for children).

For more information see looelive.co.uk,

follow @LooeLive or visit www.facebook.com/looelive.

For information on getting to the Looe Live! by car, train, bus and coach, visit https://looelive.co.uk/getting-here/

About Looe Live!

Looe Live! festival is deliberately held at a time of the year when tourist numbers are tumbling from summertime highs. The event is designed to help stimulate the local economy and develop cultural tourism to the area.

The background: 

Looe Music Festival, founded in 2010, aimed to raise awareness of Cornish culture and heritage – however in 2018 when the three-day festival was unexpectedly cancelled just weeks before the event, the local community rallied to ensure that the show did go on.

Thanks to a dedicated group of hard-working residents, volunteers and a few good-willing event professionals, ‘Looe Saves The Day’ formed in just 17 days. The festival’s rescue mission enabled hundreds of people, who’d already booked accommodation, to come to Looe as planned and enjoy the festivities.

Following the success of 2018, Looe Saves The Day rebranded into Looe Live! –  a new festival name, with the same ethos and community spirit at its core.